Utica Fire Department and Emergency Management delivered an excellent presentation detailing their response to the 2004 Tornado that touched down in Utica reuslting in 8 fatalities. The team discussed Hurricane Katrina which Utica deployed personnel to.. despite the 1000mile drive! A number of interesting points raised included the age old issue of communications between agencies, coordination of voluntary organisations and the difficulties that can be encountered between the different structures here in the US. Just as the group were finishing up with a tour of the Tornado Shelter and the vehicle shop, the hosts were called out to a big rig wreck. I should add.... they operate in a way similar to our Retained Fire Service... so minutes later from across Kane County about 10 volunteers showed up with blue lights flashing. A quick response and an essential service in a country of such great expanse.
A few local old wives tails were blown out of the water... tornados don't cross rivers and tornados don't dip into river valleys. It did here with devastating consequences but 7 people were rescued that may have perished.
After Katrina FEMA bought a load of Caravans for use by families. Once this need subsided and the caravans were no longer needed they were donated out at a nominal cost to stations such as Utica for use as mobile incident command units.
There are no hydrants due to the physical geography so all water required for fires is taken in a seperate tanker appliance.
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